Thursday, October 7, 2010

Project Website

I have posted my first cooking event at, which will be where I post all of my recipes and cooking. I will update here every week to say just a little about it, so you can just follow this page if you don't want to add another site to your RSS feed. =] This afternoon I will be doing my second post after I make Peach Salsa, so don't forget to check that out.

I am having a few troubles with the theme at Recipes Redone - I can't figure out how to make the scroll box underneath the first entry not have a broken image sign. =[ Any help with this would be very appreciated!


  1. As I already told you, i love the way you chose your theme for the digital story site on cooking and recipes. It looks like Recipe theme, ad you featuring the food and framing the experience is working beautifully for narrating your process and sharing it back. Fine work here. Now I have to ask you, what other recipes are out there on the web for this dish? Any others out there offer some interesting contrast?

  2. I love your theme! Excellent choice. The images, the slideshow, the way the posts appear at the bottom-as a visitor to your site, this layout appeals visually to me and makes me want to stick and click around. Looking forward to reading about your adventures with cooking!

  3. Your new subdomain looks very professional! It's also making me very hungry for lunch ;) I hope to learn something about cooking from your project because I'm a truly terrible cook (but I'm working on it!) Thanks for the reminder to add a new link to my Feed Reader, btw.

  4. I have a few questions. How can I apply this to life? Will it help me to use what you have outlined here?
